We’ve been part of the team organising the Battersea Jubilee Festival: a year long festival to celebrate all things Battersea and the Jubilee.
As you can imagine over the past week there have been loads happening in the local community. From street parties, commemorative tree planting, cake competitions, red arrows on a bicycle, fancy dress, Big Lunches, beacon lighting, Platinum People, the launch of the Battersea Jubilee Mural (currently displayed on the gates of St Mary’s Battersea – see a film of the mural on Instagram here) to the launch of the Battersea Jubilee Festival itself, and there’s been so much more.
HOLD THE DATE – 5th July, 6pm, venue to be confirmed – for the official launch of Battersea Jubilee Festival. Do join us.
Philip Beddows from @BatterseaUnited Charities launches the #Battersea Jubilee Festival 2022…
“If you think it’s all over this weekend, think again. It’s just starting here in Battersea” pic.twitter.com/4DPX1LYqKc
— Battersea Community Festival (@Battersea_Fest) May 30, 2022
More on Festival website
Do check out the Battersea Jubilee Festival website to find out what’s going on and add your own event.
About Battersea Jubilee Festival
2022 marks a unique and historic event in the life of the United Kingdom – the first Platinum Jubilee of a reigning monarch in history. Many older residents in Battersea will remember the celebrations in our community for the particularly high-profile Silver Jubilee in 1977, and younger residents will remember the Diamond and Sapphire Jubilees. Such events have been seen to bring communities together across our country – and beyond throughout the Commonwealth, in expressions of simple joy and togetherness.
A wide range of community, schools and charitable organisations in Battersea have come together to coordinate the celebration of this special Platinum Jubilee, and have a shared vision for a ‘Battersea Jubilee Festival’.
This exciting initiative envisages a myriad of interconnected activities over an extended period of time, forming an extended ‘Battersea Jubilee Festival’ – a big community-engagement initiative to lift everyone out of an era of lockdown and bring a lot of joy into our lives, all under the Battersea Jubilee Festival umbrella and in a spirit of celebration. One key focus would be on young people, who have been among those who have suffered most from the conditions of ‘lockdown’, and whose futures lie ahead yet to be written.
The festival aims to leave a wonderful legacy of life experience for all involved and touched by it and is supporting events this year that will leave an ongoing legacy that will extend beyond the year.
Funding available
If you’ve got a brilliant idea and need a bit of money and support to make it happen, then do get in touch: [email protected]
Our aim and priority is to target areas that do not have well established groups and/or community organisations, to guide, support or mentor, in the planning and delivery of a jubilee year community event. Where capacity is lacking we want to strengthen it; where skills and knowledge of community development is lacking we want to nurture it!
Groups/individuals will be identified through our contacts and networks and supported to develop their ideas. Up to £1,000 made available for communities that want to plan an event during the Jubilee year. Funds will not be paid to an individual so applicants without an organisation will be linked to a registered group who will account for the funds.
As the ‘project’ develops we will review, learn and if necessary adapt to circumstances as we find on the ground.
Successful applicants will be expected to use the Battersea Jubilee Festival logo and contribute to publicity.
Contact us
Via email: [email protected]
Our website: Battersea Jubilee Festival website