We co-hosted a fourth Battersea Together event with our Battersea Alliance partners, on 8th October, at Caius House. These have been a series of partnership development and networking events building coalitions and communities of place and interest in Battersea. This recent event was attended by 70 people ‘live’ plus 20 ‘online’.
What follows is a summary of what went on that day and the follow-up sessions we’re hosting over the coming months.
You can download a copy too: Battersea Together Event – Write Up 08Oct21 Final
A. Community Stories
The first session saw presentations of 28 organisations and their responses to the Covid-19 Pandemic, demonstrating the resilience, fortitude and immense power of collective action in the most challenging of circumstances!
We witnessed very moving accounts of how organisations, community groups and volunteers, facing lock-down, funding cuts and furlough, battled to support the most vulnerable in Battersea.
Here’s the link to the full presentation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8_x3ZgB6Zo&ab_channel=KeepsakeVideos
Key lesson: People care, can mobilise and deliver effective action!
B. Community Conversations
The mid-morning session saw everyone engaging in a debate about the challenges facing Battersea, from poverty, unemployment, housing to isolation, loneliness and mental health. Key barriers that hinder effective responses included poor infrastructure, institutional racism and a lack of long-term funding for the community voluntary sector.
Key Lesson: Long term strategic action is needed!
C. Networking
During the lunch break people met face-to-face, for some for the first time in nearly two years, to shared experiences and exchange contact details. Groups that may have felt uninformed about the Alliance got to meet the key players and new relationship were established.
Key Lesson: We need to meet more often!
D. Workshops
In the afternoon a series of workshops based on 5 strategic themes saw intense debate and a close examination of the issues – write ups for each session can be accessed at Appendix 2 or follow the hyperlinks here:
F. Plenary
The final session involved a summary of each of the workshops and a call to continue the dialogue.
G. Food!
Many thanks to Waste Not Want Not Battersea for providing the lunch and ensuring that any surplus food was used to support local people!
H. Follow-up
Battersea Together – The Story Continues…
Building on outstanding examples of community led initiatives and partnership working presented at the Battersea Together event on the 8th October you are invited to continue the discussion and contribute to the development of follow-up actions here:
Theme Follow-up meeting
i. Arts & Culture 18th Nov – Providence House
Time: 10:00 -12:00
138 Falcon Road, SW11 2LW
Contact: Esther, 07445 983904, [email protected]
ii. Criminal Justice & Mentoring 9th Dec – Carney’s Community
Time: 10:00 -12:00
30 Petworth Street, SW11 4QW
Contact: George, 07513 384042, [email protected]
iii. Families 20th Jan’22 – St Peter’s Battersea
Time: 10:00 -12:00
23 Plough Road, SW11 2DE
Contact: Charlie, 020 8050 2959, [email protected]
iv. Elders & Organisational Support 24th Feb’22 – KLS
Time: 10:00 -12:00
108 Battersea High Street, SW11 3HP
Contact: Aaron, 020 7223 2845, [email protected]
v. Information Technology & Education 24th March’22 – Caius House
Time: 10:00 -12:00
2 Holman Road, SW11 3RL
Contact: Del, 07939 232088, [email protected]
H. Contact
For General Enquiries about these sessions or the Battersea Alliance please contact: David at [email protected]
I. Download the full report of the event
Battersea Together Event – Write Up 08Oct21 Final