The first in a series of free, informal conversations hosted by the Scratch Hub – a flexible workspace and community of co-workers located in Battersea Arts Centre. Sign up for a free ticket here.
Coffee Conversations brings together a panel of brilliant people from across BAC and the Scratch Hub’s local and national networks for an informal, hour-long chat. All the topics relate to the ethos of the Scratch Hub – community, co-working and growing businesses sustainably. The first of these conversations is about The Power of Community Networks. So pour yourself a cup of coffee and join the conversation.
All the events are free and online, but need to be signed up for beforehand. Each conversation will be auto-captioned, however we understand that this isn’t adequate for everyone. If you have additional access requirements, please let us know. If you are booking the week of the panel we will do our best to book access providers but we can’t guarantee we’ll be able to find someone.
Community networks can play a vital role in driving positive change locally, nationally and internationally. Joining these networks can also be an organic and sustainable way to grow your business. Joining us to discuss the power of these networks is:
Kim Perlow, CEO of Link Up London (and Scratch Hub Springboard Member)
Elizabeth Lynch MBE, Chair of What Next? Wandsworth
Jenni Asiama, Business and Communications Manager at Wandsworth Council
Aaron Barbour, Director of Katherine Low Settlement
Our panel will talk about their work, and discuss among themselves their experience of community networks – how to maintain and grow them, how they can bring about meaningful change and how they can help businesses and individuals to grow. There will be time to ask questions to the panel.
Sign up for a free ticket here.