At Katherine Low Settlement we’re working towards Wandsworth becoming the most digitally inclusive borough in London by 2024. To do this we need the whole community involved. On 15th September we hosted a second meeting to discuss digital inclusion in Wandsworth. 30 people attended. They came from a variety of community organisations and the Council. The group agreed it need to bring more people and organisations into the discussion and subsequent work ahead of us.
Meeting Recording
Listen back the meeting here: Access Passcode: xMfiS!Q2
Meeting Notes
A SurveyMonkey questionnaire has been shared via email with 70+ local organisations/people. It aims to build a better picture about what’s going on across the borough with all things digital.
Please can everyone complete the survey soon – by the end of this week if possible. It will only take 5 minutes maximum, and it gets it off your plate! Thanks in advance.
The deadline for completion is 30th September. The findings will be shared at our next meeting on 12th October.
Learning from others
A lot of amazing digital inclusion work is happening across the UK and beyond. We need to learn from them and look to bring some of their ideas and practice into the borough.
We will create a space on Google drive as a shared repository. Everyone please actively look for and do some research into your area of digital interest. Please upload and share what you discover on the Google drive.
Isabel to ask people from Leeds to speak at our next meeting, as they are inspirational.
Things talked about by the group included:
We discussed a number of digital issues affecting local residents. These included:
Practical way forward – strategy working group
A small working group will develop a draft strategy and plan based on issues e.g. hardware, connectivity, funding, financial hardship, loan service, fraud/safeguarding, education/skills/training etc. (not demographics at this stage). The draft will be share with the rest of the group for comments and improvements. From this strategy we can identify and set up working groups to take forward any practical work.
Who else to involve?
The group agreed that we need to develop our strategy first. This will then help us determine who else we need to involve. But some suggestions included:
Funding opportunities
Everyone please keep your eyes open for any funding opportunities and share with this group.
Please support Power to Connect’s Crowdfunder:
Everyone was asked to blog, press release, write/film/post news items on websites and newsletters, tweet and facebook and more about issues of digital inclusion, so that we can raise awareness of the issues and the work of this group.
A webpage on Power to Connect website will be devoted to the work of this group. We might develop a website at a later date.
We’ll need to develop a communications strategy and plan.
Date of next meeting
We agreed to meet on Monday 12th October, 10.00-11.30am, on Zoom.
Here’s the link>>>>
Meeting ID: 959 3978 0014 Passcode: 999328
This is an open meeting so do join us if you’d like.
Donate an old laptop
Until then if you’d like to donate an old laptop then please contact