LOVE TO LEARN currently employs 10 part-time staff.
Elaine Sheppard manages our education advice and advocacy services.
Faaduma Mahamoud is a bilingual caseworker. A former teaching assistant, Faaduma has particular experience supporting children with special educational needs. At Love to Learn, she is a case worker focusing on parental engagement and support. She speaks Somali and Arabic.
Fatima Ali is a bilingual caseworker. She has a background in supporting parents and carers of disabled children and previously worked for the NHS with patients experiencing mental health problems. Fatima speaks Somali.
Ibtisam Adem is a Family Education Caseworker specialising in support for children with Special Educational Needs (SEN), as well as unaccompanied asylum seeking children. She has over 12 years experience in youth and community work. Ibtisam speaks Tigrinya and Amharic. She has NVQ Level 4 in Information Advice & Guidance and a Masters in Applied Anthropology and Youth & Community Work.
Mery Mekonen is a caseworker who works primarily to support unaccompanied asylum-seeking children. She is currently on maternity leave until October 2019. Mery speaks Tigrinya, Amharic and German.
Lisa Schulkind co-ordinates the learning mentor programme. Lisa is a former ESOL teacher and advice worker who has worked with the refugee community in London for fifteen years. She specialises in community engagement and volunteer management. She speaks Italian and French.
Ahmed Omar works with secondary school children in Battersea and runs an after-school study group for boys. Ahmed speaks Somali and specialises in maths and science.
Nadine Ballantyne co-ordinates our Homework Clubs and summer activities. Nadine has worked with refugees for over ten years. She has been with Love to Learn for 8 years, and previously set up and ran projects in secondary schools to support newly-arrived pupils and their families with the charity Salusbury WORLD. Nadine studied Psychology and Spanish as well as a Masters in Psychotherapeutic Care with Refugees. She speaks German and Spanish.
Molly Daniel works on our Homework Clubs and summer activities with Nadine