Now in its 11th year, club is our weekly in-house homework & activities club where we aim to support learning, confidence and well-being in a fun and active environment.
We currently have 45 children and young people aged 5-15 attend each week in two sessions:
Seniors (ages 10 to 14) on Wednesdays, 6-8pm
Juniors (ages 5-9) on Thursdays, 4.30-6.30pm
The club runs with the amazing support of around 10 regular volunteers who help children with their homework and lead and assist with craft and activity sessions.
If you are interested in joining us Click Here
We have a number of opportunities to get involved from being a regular club helper to running one-off art and craft sessions at the club.
The club is grateful for its ongoing working partnership with Kings College London Student Action for Refugees (KCLSTAR).
They have been with us since we started and we have enjoyed the energy, enthusiasm and dedication of over 100 student volunteers over the years.