Just wanted to let you know that the Battersea Jubilee Festival website is live. It now has the events diary, some news stories and you can click on each of the organisations which are listed as taking part.
Please continue to send in content such as new events, photos, video’s and copy so we can keep adding to the website. Email us at [email protected]
Check out the website here: www.batterseajubileefestival.com
Follow us on social media
You can also follow us on
Twitter @battersea_fest
Instagram @batterseajubileefestival
Help, support and funding to run an Jubilee event
Are you a local resident, part of a small community group, and would like to organise a community event or project over the coming year? Does it bring different parts of the community together? Is it an idea you’d like to grow over time? or just a one-off? Need some help, support and funding to make it happen?
Then get in touch with Aaron at [email protected]