We’re celebrating ‘Volunteers Week 2021’ (1-7th June) after what has been an extraordinary year. We could not have done it without our volunteers. To say thank you and to see our volunteers again in-person (yes real life), now that it’s possible, do join us at one of the following:
Session 1: Wednesday 2nd June, 6pm on Zoom – Thank you event
(>>>> https://zoom.us/j/99624249967?pwd=T3p1WlhRd0E1VlNRR0Fqc1JTZHlQQT09
Meeting ID: 996 2424 9967 Passcode: 250018)
We can only provide virtual nibbles! Please bring your own bubbles.
Session 2: Thursday 3rd June, 10am at our Centre – Thank you event
(>>>> 108 Battersea High Street, London SW11 3HP)
Cake and drinks galore!
Session 3: Tuesday 22nd June, 11am, venue: TBC (either on Zoom or at our Centre) – moving from volunteering into work session with AS Watson Group
No cake just a practical session with locally-based company, AS Watson Group (parent company of Superdrug), to look at how to use volunteering to get a job.
Please RSVP to Tony: [email protected] (just so we have enough cake to go around!)
We really look forward to seeing you.