KLS chosen as Mayor of Wandsworth’s Charity of the Year

We’re delighted that the new Mayor of Wandsworth, Cllr Juliana Annan, has chosen KLS to be one of her Charities of the Year for 2023/24.

We’ve known Juliana for nearly 4 years. She’s an active member of our community in Battersea. She volunteers with our ESOL programme. She co-founded Support4Support Community Project, which helps local women and families from disadvantaged backgrounds; and runs the Agoe Empowerment Network, which supports residents with English as a second language to settle into the community. She’s only been a local Councillor (for Battersea Park ward) for a year and is now the Mayor of Wandsworth.

At her inauguration in the Town Hall on Wednesday 24th May, Juliana told us:

“I came into politics to be an advocate for residents, the everyday people like me who are disadvantaged, who are not able to speak for themselves because their voices cannot go far. I am truly honoured to be appointed to serve the borough of Wandsworth as mayor in only my second year as a Councillor, and I believe that I am the first mayor of Ghanaian heritage to hold this office. I will try to do my best to serve the council and the community.” 

We can’t wait to work with Juliana in her new role. It’s great for KLS too as she’ll help us raise our profile and raise some money for our community services. And as it’s our Centenary next year this partnership feels extra special.

You can follow the Mayor on Twitter here @WandsworthMayor
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