There is now a lot of very useful information out there for charities and community groups during this Coronavirus crisis. So rather than come up with yet another list of where to get help, we’ve come up with a compilation of other people’s list.
Note: We know this is not a comprehensive list.
Please tell us what we’ve missed on 020 7223 2845 and [email protected]
General Directories of Support
The following are comprehensive directories of where charities and community groups can get help and support for a wide variety of issues.
Charity Bank Covid-19 resource hub
Funding for organisations
Ian Mclinktock’s meta list of 120+ funders: updated every Monday
Charity Bank: comprehensive list of funders
Wandsworth Care Alliance: includes local Wandsworth funders
Funding for individuals
UK Government: guidance about Covid-19
The Charity Commission: Coronavirus (Covid-19) guidance for charities
NHS health advice online and call 111
General information
Wandsworth Council Community Hub: If you need some help call Wandsworth Council on 0208 871 6555 / email [email protected]
Wandsworth Care Alliance: a list of Wandsworth community organisations helping out in this Covid-19 crisis
Mayor of London: updates and guidance about Coronavirus
Wandsworth Age UK: call 020 8877 8940 (10am-3pm Monday to Friday) for elderly support including food parcels, advice, friendship calls
Wandsworth Foodbank: call 020 7326 9428 /email [email protected]
Kambala Residents Association: distributing food to local people in Battersea
Waste Not Want Not: distributing food to local people in Battersea
Wandsworth Citizens Advice: For all other advice queries people can self-refer using this online form, or call CAW’s Adviceline on 0300 330 1169
South West London Law Centre: Legal advice. Call 020 8767 277 / email [email protected]
RightsNet: news and updates about social welfare law and welfare benefits developments
General help
Battersea Coronavirus Angels: local volunteers helping local residents in Battersea. Call 07394 856 557 / email [email protected]
Covid-19 mutual aid groups: find your local group here
Safeguarding in the Coronavirus crisis
That’s if for now. We hope you’ve found this helpful.
We will update this mega list regularly so do check back.
Finally, help us add to this list by calling us on 020 7223 2845 and [email protected]