We’ve done it. Together you’ve helped us reach our fundraising target of £20,065 (as of 5pm, 21st June). Thank you so much.
Our 4-week summer programme is a real lifeline for so many children and young people. Without which they tell us their summer is so boring. They’re frustrated and sad, with nothing to do at home. Your support is so vital as it gives around 200 young people a proper summer, with lots to get involved with.
I spoke with a few of our children, a couple of weeks ago, about the summer. They were getting very excited. They told me some brilliant stories about previous years. Highlights included playing football in the park with coaches from Chelsea Football Club, learning how to cook, playing games in Fred Wells Garden (the egg and spoon race was popular, as was Bulldog), seeing friends and making new ones, making cool stuff with arts and crafts, going to the beach, camping, water fights at Trinity Fields, even the tuna sandwiches were a hit with one child.
Daniel, aged 8, came on a trip to the beach – his first visit to the sea! He told me: “I loved taking the coach and going swimming in the sea, it was very cold, but so much fun and I wish I could go there every day”. Another child, Habiba said “I really loved everything we done this summer especially the sports. Thank you very much.”
We also ask for feedback from the parents, and one told us, “They were nice activities. All the children enjoyed. I would like to express my love and thank you for all at Love to Learn.” Another said, “All my children enjoyed the football trips on Tuesday and loved the art club and the trips to Southend and Adventure Island. Thank you.” And another with 3 young children said, “We want to thank you for the Summer activities. My children enjoyed all the activities, cooking was very good. Thank you all at Love to Learn staff and volunteers”.
We’ll share some updates over the summer through our social media channels; and a full report in the autumn.
A very big thank you to The Topinambour Trust and The Childhood Trust for providing the match funding. And to everyone who made a donation. Another great team effort!
So, it’s a very big thank you from me, and an even bigger one from the children and young people we’ll be working with this summer.
Thank you.
Aaron Barbour
KLS Director