Issues such as special educational needs, school appeals, secondary transfer, mid- term entry and exclusion from school are complex. They require specialist knowledge of systems and procedures in order to ensure that families are fully aware of and involved in what is happening to their children and can access their educational rights.
Parents & carers are often the unrecognised experts in dealing with a child’s education. Love to Learn’s home visiting service allows us to spend quality time with parents and carers, who may not fully understand English or have little experience of the UK education system, explaining the system and their rights to them and listening to their perspectives, with an interpreter where necessary, which we can then feed back to schools and/or other services.
This information flow empowers parents, giving them meaningful input into educational processes. Our long term aim is to see parents and carers becoming active partners in their children’s education.
Each family is assigned a project worker who facilitates communication with schools, advocates on their behalf, provides practical help when needed and helps to link them into services which will help them to achieve the best for their children.