LOVE TO LEARN works in close partnership with relevant refugee organisations, community groups, schools and statutory sector agencies. We really value partnership working and sharing good practice, referrals and expertise.
Our closest refugee organisation partners include CARAS (whose staff do similar work in the south of Wandsworth); South London Refugee Association (SLRA); Refugee Support Network (RSN), ELAYS; and ASWAC (Association of Somali Women and Children) in Wandsworth. We meet regularly to discuss issues facing refugee families in the borough; and we provide shared training events for staff and volunteers.
We regularly attend meetings and provide updates and training at the Wandsworth Ethnic Minority Achievement Network, and have recently become active partners in the new Lottery-funded Wandsworth Advice Forum.
In addition, we work closely with programmes offering educational opportunities for young people, for example, SOAS Saturday School; Into University; and GCSE Success (York Gardens Library). We have worked closely with several arts programmes to provide new experiences for young people, including: Battersea Arts Centre; South Bank Centre; Emergency Exit Arts; Royal College of Art; Polka Theatre; and the Pump House Gallery.
Please see here for more information on our partner schools and colleges in the borough.
We always love to hear from potential partners – please do contact us if you are interested in joint working.