ESOL Sewing Class

The Sewing class is a extracurricular activity part of the KLS ESOL Programme. We have designed the curriculum so that with each project there is a new skill incorporated and we learn something new about working with fabric and the craft of sewing.

History of the class

In January 2023, KLS volunteers Kate and Rachael held the first sewing class with an eager group of ESOL students. In the first lesson, we began with learning how to use the machines by sewing carefully around letters of the alphabet drawn on pieces of paper. Although a few students had used machines before everyone was starting from a basic level and keen to learn and make progress.

HRH The Duchess of Edinburgh visits the Sewing Class

In January 2024, HRH toured the Katherine Low Settlement and visited the ESOL Sewing Class. HRH admired the work created by the class so far and sewed together with the students an apron.

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