Getting the confidence and skills to go online – praise for Battersea Zoomers

We received this feedback yesterday from one of the team at Talk Wandsworth about our Age Well work and the Battersea Zoomers programme. It’s too good not to share…  

“Thank you for the love compassion and care you put into the work with setting up; establishing and supporting the cohort of seniors AKA Battersea Zoomers.

Since attending the session online, I am inspired by the enthusiasm, warmth and energy generated amongst the participants as they join each other online. I have to keep reminding myself these individuals have very recently become accustomed to the use of online technology and the devices they are using. I am led to believe the confidence and skill displayed is in no small part due to the system of introducing and supporting them with the use of internet and the laptop, tablet or smartphone they have at their disposal. The resourcefulness of the host is a reflection of the commitment and dedication to foster a culture of enablement amongst the seniors.

What has emerged is a voracious excitement to be online with each other; to socialise; to learn new skills; to contribute their ideas and stories, and live fully while managing health and environment challenges. The buzz of excitement; the laughter; the wisdom emanating from each session is magnetic. My colleagues who joined the last session ‘What can you see through your window’, were so inspired by the different perspective shared by all of the participants, that they are itching to join in next month.

Thanks so much for inviting us to do a wellbeing session with the Battersea Zoomers. I feel we receive from the Zoomers more than we give.”


To join the Battersea Zoomers and/or find out more about the support we offer to older people in Battersea, please contact Sarah Goodall on [email protected] and 020 7223 2845.

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