Canon Simon Butler, Vicar of St Mary’s Battersea (and a trustee of KLS), is writing a weekly e-news to the Coronavirus Angels volunteers. As we’re a partner in this venture we thought we should reproduce it here as it’s full of interesting and relevant stuff!
Welcome to our Angels weekly newsletter. We have passed the 400 mark of people we have helped this week, and the variety of requests for help continue to grow. We continue to develop partnerships (such as with the work of Your Cakes Battersea, pictured below). At the same time, it’s clear that as people return to work and as lockdown begins to be eased, the capacity to volunteer and the needs of those in need of assistance begins to change. We would be delighted if you could help us ensure that we can continue to do what we need to do by completing our online survey updating us on your availability (
Changing Roles:
We are committed to keeping the Angels going to the end of July at the very earliest. However, the group who came together to start Coronavirus Angels is having to adjust its membership, to accommodate the need to ensure other key work at Katherine Low Settlement and our local churches is taken forward in ‘the new normal’.
David Britten has been the lynchpin of Angels and will continue to act as one of the telephone/volunteer coordinators and keep our social media profile going. But his role in the day-to-day operation of Angels is now being taken forward by Aaron Kennedy from St Mary’s, and he will be bringing together a small team to form the key leaders for the next six weeks.
We also say thank you to Annabel from KLS, who is stepping away from a coordinating role to concentrate on important family and other work commitments. Thank you to them both!
Can You Step Forward?
If you would be interested in either being a telephone/volunteer coordinator for the coming six weeks, or might be interested in being part of that small leadership group, please contact Aaron Kennedy at [email protected]. We can get you up to speed quickly.
Face Masks
We have thousands of face masks available thanks to Lavender Hill Clothing (@lavenderhillclo) and some of our requests for help would prefer if we wore them when taking on tasks. If you need one, St Mary’s Church will be open from 9.30am to noon each day next week for you to pop in and collect one.
Spare Phone
If anyone has a spare mobile that they could donate to someone locally, please let us know at the angels email address.
That’s it for this week folks: shorter than last week, but the quality of our work is as high as ever – and just as appreciated!
Thank you.
Best wishes,
Simon Butler
Canon Simon Butler
Vicar of St Mary’s Battersea
07941 552407
If you need a bit of help from the Angels then do call us on 07394 856 557 and email [email protected]