We have been horrified by the scenes unfolding in Ukraine. This invasion is the most significant military action in Europe in decades and raises fears about the forced displacement of millions of people. According to the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), over 368,000 Ukrainians have already fled into neighbouring countries, with estimates suggesting that over 5 million people (more than 10% of the population) could be displaced by the conflict over the coming weeks. Neighbouring countries, including Poland, have stepped up and are providing refuge. The UK must now do the same.
Disappointingly, the Government has so far failed to set up a dedicated process for Ukrainian refugees – currently, there is no safe and legal route for them to seek asylum in Britain unless they have British relatives. We urge the government to provide safe passage and set out a process by which refugees can be welcomed to the UK.
There are many practical ways you can help.
The Ukrainian Institute in London has listed charities needing donations and has suggested other means to support Ukraine here.
London Plus is building a list of organisations, particularly those that are London-based, for signposting and matching support for those affected by the Ukraine crisis.
You can sign this petition.
You could join local demonstrations organised in London (follow Ukraine Solidarity Campaign, Euromaidan London for London).
You can join us and others calling on the Government to increase its support for Ukraine. Write to your local MP and ask for their support of Ukraine and safe passage for their citizens fleeing the conflict. You can find your local MP here.
Closer to home, the White Eagle Club on Balham High Road is collecting items urgently required by those fleeing the conflict. They are doing so again today between 10.00 and 13.00, and on Wednesday (15.00-20.00) and Friday (10.00-17.00). They are also in need of volunteers to sort through the donations. If you’re able to help, please visit the Club at any of the times listed below and speak to one of the volunteers on duty.
Read more
The Independent has a very good write up here summarising why the UK must introduce a dedicated route for Ukrainian refugees.
And The Guardian has a thoughtful piece about attitudes to Ukrainian refugees.
Thank you for your support.