At Katherine Low Settlement our staff team has been speaking daily about the impact of Corona Virus on our work. As of this morning we’ve decided, after much deliberation, to stop our face-to-face services by the end of this week.
This gives us some time for the transition as we prepare to support our members via telephone and whatsapp, skype, zoom etc. over the coming weeks. Packs of learning materials are being sent out to our students and young people, and we’re putting in place regular contact with all of our members, staff and volunteers.
There are other things going on in the local community too. For example, St Mary’s Battersea is leading on a new initiative ‘Battersea Corona Virus Angels’ that will encourage local people to volunteer their time to help others in Battersea. There’s a planning meeting tomorrow morning (Wednesday 18th March) so we’ll be able to report back more then.
We’ve also just joined Battersea Mutual Aid Group on Facebook. And there are these CoVid 19 Mutual Aid Groups setting up across London and the UK.
Give us a call if you’d like to discuss any of this further on 020 7223 2845 and [email protected]
There’s lots to do. The team here are pulling together and we will get through this over the coming months.
We will continue to keep you up-to-date as things progress.
Stay well and take care.