At Katherine Low Settlement we’re working towards Wandsworth becoming the most digitally inclusive borough in London by 2024. To do this we need the whole community involved. On 12th October we hosted a third meeting to discuss digital inclusion in Wandsworth. 25 people attended. They came from a variety of community organisations, schools and colleges, business and the Council. The group agreed it need to bring more people and organisations into the discussion and subsequent work ahead of us.
Meeting Notes
So sorry but I forgot to record the session. Doh! But the notes from the Chat are included below and attached.
Key: You will see below that action points are underlined.
Learning from others – Leeds City Council
Ian ([email protected]) and Claire from 100% Digital Leeds inspired us all by speaking about their work over the last 3-4 years.
More can be found out their work here:
And (lending library)
And (women in digital)
And (keeping older people connected)
And (digital champions)
And AND (Leeds smart city)
2 strategy and operational papers from Leeds that are a must read: AND
And there’s more – ‘google it’.
There followed a fascinating discussion including:
Action: The group agreed the Wandsworth Digital strategy. Download it here: Wandsworth Digital – STRATEGY v3.0 – 12Oct20
A discussion followed about getting senior people in Wandsworth Council (politicians and officers) involved in Wandsworth Digital. Action: Aaron to lead on this with others.
A suggestion was made to link Wandsworth Digital with London-level strategies, work and funding e.g. through the GLA and the wider London Recovery Plan and Digital Access for All Mission
Immediate Plans
The discussion turned to doing some practical work.
The group agreed on 3 strands of work to get cracking on with between now and Christmas:
Steve Pinto recommended that the University of Roehampton’s business school might be able to help us with some of the above.
Action: Aaron and Isabel will enable these 3 working groups to get up and running within a week.
Funding opportunities
Covid-19 Fund at must be Battersea based and developed in response to Covid…. happy to discuss one-to-one [email protected]
Use the Charity Excellence database to find relevant funds:
And Wandsworth Voluntary Sector Coordination Service have this:
Please keep your eyes open for funding opportunities for Wandsworth Digital. Thanks.
Digital Inclusion – data sources / reports (thanks Kate)
Date of next meeting
We agreed to meet on Monday 9th November, 10.00-11.30am, on Zoom.
Here’s’ the link>>>>
Meeting ID: 929 1468 0913
Passcode: 777985
This is an open meeting so if you’d like to attend then do join us.
Volunteer needed to help with branding
Finally, if anyone knows someone who could volunteer and develop a brand identity (incl. logo) for Wandsworth Digital pro bono then please contact Aaron at [email protected]
Donate an old laptop
Until then if you’d like to donate an old laptop then please contact