Wandsworth Digital are sending out regular updates to the network. Here’s the latest one.
We hope you’re well and enjoying the summer.
Do you like our new logo (see above)?
We’ve been doing a lot of reading recently and thought we would share these great resources and practical opportunities with you all.
1. Dates for your diary
Wandsworth Digital next Speakers Series session – 20th September at 10am on Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/95834063897?pwd=OEdNbmVQaUtsb3lDRk1EVmF4c0RSdz09
Meeting ID: 958 3406 3897 Passcode: 594897
Wandsworth Digital FULL partnership meeting – 27th September, 10.00-11.00am on Zoom https://zoom.us/j/93344050258?pwd=QldkMVoraHE3UW1IelJYSVUvYVpjQT09
Meeting ID: 933 4405 0258 Passcode: 365258
These are open meetings so please invite and bring along anyone who you think would benefit from attending.
2. Opportunities
Force for Good – JP Morgan programme to support charities get more digital (apply now)
Zoom has a new donation app to help your fundraising
3. Funding
Wandsworth Grant Fund will now fund digital projects that are of benefit to local communities in the borough. Apply here:
4. Training
Wandsworth Digital will be offering training in September and October with Superhighways (a separate email will follow).
And, check out the Third Sector Lab’s training offer on safeguarding, online youth work and digital security (amongst other things)
5. Resources
SCVO have developed this must have essential digital skills toolkit to help measure the digital skills in your organisation (ESSENTIAL)
Tools for Good – A list of tech for good projects and the tools used to build them. See what’s possible with reusable, no-code tools.
Catalyst – 617 free digital design assets you can reuse created by charities
New Public – The Signals in the Pandemic. “Digital Platform Experiences During the Pandemic,” explores how people’s experiences on platforms were shaped by the pandemic. It follows up on their previous research which uncovered 14 signals to guide the creation of healthy public digital spaces.
The Engine Room – Social Justice and digital rights during the Covid pandemic
6. Reports
Ofcom’s Annual – Online Nation 2021 report
Charity digital skills report 2021
Connect Hackney report on digital inclusion of older people
Carneige Trust and Unicef – closing the digital divide for good for children and young people
The Covid-19 Select Committee – digital report to protect wellbeing
AgeUK London have recently published a Report called “Mind the Digital Gap: Older Londoners and Internet Use during the Pandemic”.
And finally….
If you’d like to join our e-mailing list then drop Aaron a line on [email protected] and he’ll add you.
Please share this e-news far and wide. And do invite anyone who you think would benefit from attending any of our meetings.
Do share with us any opportunities you come across or would like to share with our network.
See you soon.
Wandsworth Digital Team